Happy Janmashtami 2016 Images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Status, Greetings

Happy Janmashtami 2016 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Status
Here is the list of Janmashtami Wishes with Images. This time we come up with extremely amazing collection of Janmashtami Whatsapp Status Quotes, which you will surely love it. We have included everything you wanted. Thus, no need to waste your time by search on the Google for more stuff related to Janmashtami festival.
1. Today is very precious day! Some one special was born Born to fight against inhumanity. Born to save the trust in God...
2. May Lord Krishna come to your house and takes away all your Makhan & Mishri with all your worries and sorrows. Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
3. While the Rasa lila re-creates the flirtatious aspects of Krishnas youthful days. The Dahi Handi celebrate God's playful and mischievous side. Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
4. May this Janamashtami shower on you blossoms of love and peace. May the divine grace of Lord Krishna be with you today and always.
Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
5. May Lord Krishna's flute invite the melody of love into your life. May Radha's love teach not only how to love but to love eternally. Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
Have A Blessed Krishna Janmashtami!
7. May Lord Krishna, also known as:
Ajaya - The Conqueror of Life and Death
Bihari - The Travelling Lord
Hari - The Lord Of Nature
Jagannatha - Master Of The Universe
Madana - The Lord Of Love
Narayana - The Refuge Of Everyone
Purshottama - The Supreme Soul
Sanatana - The Eternal Lord
Shyam - Dark-Complexioned Lord
Vishwatma - Soul Of The Universe
Yogi - The Supreme Master
Bless you at all times!
Have A Blessed Krishna Janmashtami!
8. Krishna is the Supreme Lord, Son of Devaki (Sister of Kansa) and Vasudeva. He is the slayer of Kansa and Chanur. I bow to such great Lord and may God bless me with His grace always.
Have A Blessed Krishna Janmashtami!
If you don't fight for what you want;
Don't cry for what you lost.
~The Bhagvad Gita
Nothing depends on luck... everything depends on work because, even Luck has to work!
Have A Blessed Krishna Janmashtami!
10. Let's celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna by:
Re-creating Rasa Lila, the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's youthful days;
Celebrate Lord Krishna's playful and mischievous side by enacting Dahi Handi!
Have A Blessed Krishna Janmashtami!

11. May Lord Krishna's flute fill the melody of love and life in your world at all times!
May Lord Krishna Bless You At All Times!
12. May Natkhat Nandlal always make your life colourful with lively pranks that keep you on your toes and instills and evokes child-like traits in you, at all times!
May Lord Krishna Bless You At All Times!
13. While the Rasa lila re-creates the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's youthful days;
The Dahi Handi celebrate God's playful and mischievous side.
May Lord Krishna Bless You At All Times!
14. Janmashtami is an annual commemoration of the birth of the Hindu deity Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.
It is celebrated on the eighth day (Ashtami) of the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the month of Bhadrapada.
May Lord Krishna Bless You At All Times!
15. Love is a consistent passion to give... not a meek persistent hope to receive.
~ Lord Krishna
May Lord Krishna Bless You At All Times!
16. Lord Krishna believed in Karam Yoga:
Follow the right path;
See unity in diversity;
Serve humanity without expecting rewards;
Happy Janmashtami!
May lord Krishna show you the way in your life as He showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra.
Happy Janmashtami!

Happy Janmashtami 2016 Wishes, Quotes, Status, Greetings
18. May the Natkhat Nand Lal always give you happiness, health & prosperity; and may you find peace in Krishna consciousness.
Happy Janmashtami!
19. May Lord Krishna steal all your tensions and worries on this Janmashtmi! And give you all the love, peace and happiness.
Happy Janmashtmi!
May you find your love on this Janmashtmi and Gopis may shower all their love and affection on your body and soul.
Happy Janmashtmi!

21. May Lord Krishna steal all your tensions and worries on this Janmashtmi! And give you all the love, peace and happiness.
Happy Krishna Janmashtmi!
22. May the Natkhat Nand Lal always give you many reasons to be happy, healthy & prosperous; and may you find peace in Krishna consciousness.
Happy Janmashtami!
23. May lord Krishna show you the way in your life as He showed the way to Arjuna in the battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra.
Happy Janmashtami!
24. Whatever belongs to you today, belonged to someone else yesterday; and it will belong to some one else tomorrow.
Don't be illusioned by maya. Maya is the root cause of all pain and misery.
Happy Janmashtami!
25. For this, is a special time when familyAnd friends get together,for fun.Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days, in this festive season of JANMASHTMI and always.
Jay Shri Krishna...
26. I Wish You HAPPY JANMASHTMI And I Pray to God for your prosperous life. May you find all the delights of lifemay your all dreams come true. My best wishes will always be with you...
Jay Shri Krishna...
27. May Lord Krisna's flute invite the melody of love into UR life. May Radha's love teach not only how to love but to love eternally.
Jay Shri Krishna...
Yashomati Mom Se
Talking Nandlala,
Radha Q Fair,
I'm Q Kala,
Boli Smiling Maiya:
Listen Mere Lala,
... Wo City Ki item,
Tu Village Ka Gwala,
Thats Why You Kala...
Happy Janmashtmi!
Jay Shri Krishna...
29. May Lord Krishna Showers All His Blessing On You.
May you get a lot of happines in life...
Happy Janmashtami!
Jay Shri Krishna...
30. May Lord Krishna steal all your tensions and worries on this Janmashtmi and give you all the love, peace and happiness.
Happy Janmashtmi!
Jay Shri Krishna...

31. May good fill as much as softness and happiness as same as they have in their flute. May your life be as peaceful and wealthy as the sound of Krishna's Flute.
Wishing You And Your Family A Very Happy And Prosperous Janmashtami!
32. I wish you happy janamasthmi and pray to God for your prosperous life. May you find all the delights of life. May your all dreams come true. My best wishes will always be with you.
33. This festival occurs on the eight day (Astami)
of a lunar fortnight hence the name (Krishna+astami).
Krishnastami which comes sometime in August is
celebrated over two days.
The first day is Krishnastami or Gokulastami.
The second day is called Kalastami
more popularly
34. Love is a consistent passion to give not a meek persistent hope to receive. Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
35. May natkhat nandlal always make your life colourful with lively praks that keep you on your toes instills and evokes child-like traits in you at all times. Happy Krishna Janmashtami!
36. May the Natkhat Nand Lal always give you happiness, health and prosperity. May you find peace in Krishna consciousness. Happy Janmashtami!
37. The Day of Love and Fortune
The day of Birth of Lord Krishna
A Lover,Friend & Divine Guru
38. If things are happening according to your wish
Happy Janmashtami!
37. It is very obvious that there will be victory of truth always,
So always try to do the things told by
Krishna and behave like a lord Rama
40. Don't be illusioned by maya.
Maya is the root cause of all pain and misery.
LORD KRISHNA Happy Janmashtami!
Happy Janmashtami 2016 Images, Photos, Pictures, Wallpapers

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