Happy New Year Quotes : I hope your looking for best wishes for your friends and family. Here we have most compressed & exclusively collection for you. You can simply choose your favorite quotes and share it anyone.
Also, we have combine all type of wishes for different needs like new year wishes, quotes, sms, messages and status etc. So, enjoy this new year with your loved one and share our collection for more exclusive updates!
Happy New Year Quotes Wishes for 2016
1. May the new year bring you greater heights of success and prosperity. Have a Happy New Year!
2. “Yesterday is a memory, today is a gift, tomorrow is a hope. Wishing you all the best!
3. I wish this year has lesser disasters, lesser hate, lesser accidents and loads of love. Happy New Year.
4. New year brings just happiness not tear,every body loves only you dear.
5. I honestly hope each and every one of you have the best year ever in New Year.
6. Celebrate what you want to see more of. Happy New Year!
7. New Year’s most glorious light is sweet hope!
8. Before my mobile network gets jammed let me wish you a very Happy New Year...
9. May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!
10. Wish you happy holidays season with unforgettable Christmas and New Year.
Happy New Year Quotes for 2016
11. New Year’s day is every man’s birthday.
12. With all fragrance of a rose and lights of the sun, I wish you a happy new year.
13. Wish you a very Happy New year. Shed your worries and remain happy always.
14. Wish you and your family a happy, healthy, prosperous and successful new year ahead.
15. Wishing you happiness and success in life for this 2016 New Year. May God bless you.
16. Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give!
17. May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
18. Wishing you a fabulous New year with full of great achievements and experiences. A meaningful chapter waiting to be written HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Happy New Year Jokes Whatsapp Status
19. Tag your beloved to wish him/her Happy New Year.
20. No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anybody can start today and make a new ending.
Happy New Year Wishes for 2016
21. Don’t wait for a new year to change your perspective. Get up and be proactive today!
22. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up. Happy New Year.
23. Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.
24. A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.
25. May each day of the coming year be vibrant and new bringing along many reasons for celebrations.
100 Happy New Year Quotes Wishes for 2016 |
26. Happiness keeps you sweet Trials make you strong Sorrows make you humble Success keeps you glowing & God keeps you going. May you have a greatest new year.
27. FAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of them everyday. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
28. Self improvement is a never-ending task.Happy new year.
29. May You Reach More Milestone,
Discover more friends in Upcoming New Year.. !
30. No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anybody can start today and make a new ending.
Happy New Year Quotes Wishes
31. Tag your beloved to wish him/her Happy New Year.
32. FAITH, Evening brings LOVE, Night brings REST, Hope you will all of them everyday. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
33. Happiness keeps you sweet Trials make you strong Sorrows make you humble Success keeps you glowing & God keeps you going. May you have a greatest new year.
34. Wishing you a fabulous New year with full of great achievements and experiences. A meaningful chapter waiting to be written HAPPY NEW YEAR!
35. May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
36. Another fresh new year is here.Another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give!
37. Wishing you happiness and success in life for this 2016 New Year. May God bless you
38. Wish you and your family a happy, healthy, prosperous and successful new year ahead.
39. Wish you a very Happy New year. Shed your worries and remain happy always.
40. With all fragrance of a rose and lights of the sun, I wish you a happy new year.
Happy New Year Wishes
41. Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits.Happy New Year.
42. New Years Resolution: Do less laundry and use more deodorant :)
43. New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.
44. Wish you happy holidays season with unforgettable Christmas and New Year.
45. “May each day of the coming year be vibrant and new bringing along many reasons for celebrations”
46. May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!
47. A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.
48. Every man regards his own life as the New Year’s Eve of time.
49. “New Year’s most glorious light is sweet hope!”
50. Celebrate what you want to see more of. Happy New Year.
100 Happy New Year Quotes Wishes for 2016 |
51. New year brings just happiness not tear,every body loves only you dear.
52. A new year is unfolding like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within.
53. On This New Year, Have A Healthy & Wealthy New Year
54. Expand Your Circles As You Welcome This New Year 2016 wishes, Turn Your Friends Into Benefits.
55. It Wouldn’t Be New Year’s If I Didn’t Have Regrets.
56. I wish this year has lesser disasters, lesser hate, lesser accidents and loads of love. Happy New Year.
57. In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want.”
58. Before my mobile network gets jammed let me wish you a very happy new year..
59. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up.Happy New Year.
60. Don’t wait for a new year to change your perspective. Get up and be proactive today!
Happy New Year Quotes
61. A weasel comes to say “Happy New Year” to the chickens”.
62. Each age has deemed the new-born year the fittest time for festal cheer.
63. Irrespective of whatever it is, Wish you a very happy new year…LOL:)
64. May the new year bring you greater heights of success and prosperity. Have a happy new year!
65. Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it. So never step back and always have courage to accept new challenges. Wishing you a very happy new year 2016.
66. Let’s have party because it’s New Year time. Celebrate Happy New Year 2016 with me all the night, so that we can end the year together and start the new year together.
67. New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a very new start. Wish you a very Happy New Year.
68. Cheers to all .. ! New year 2016 is about to come. Before my mobile network gets jammed let me wish you a very happy new year..
69. When the New Year arrives, it brings new ideas and hopes for us to make our lives good to better and better to best. Happy New Year !
70. Along with all the new hopes and promises that the New Year would bring Hope it also brings us a lot more opportunities to work together. Wish you a very Happy and Successful Year ahead.
Best Happy New Year Quotes 2016
71. Love birds r singing, Bells r ringing, whole day n night I'm just Thinking How to wish u a happy new year 2016.
72. May god bless you with a loving soul this new year eve, May every eve kisses her Adam, and every Adam meets his eve.
73. This new year take a new plunge into the ocean of hope and optimism and free yourself from all your grudges, sadness. Cheers to 2016.
74. May this new year all your endeavors bear their fruits and fill your life with their sweetness.
75. It’s time to unfold new pages and start a new chapter in your life because its new year.
100 Happy New Year Quotes Wishes for 2016 |
76. The year is new, the hopes are new, the aspirations are new, but my warm wishes for happiness and prosperity remains the same for you and your family. Happy New Year.
77. Before the calendar turns a new leaf over, before the social networking sites get flooded with messages, before the mobile networks get congested, let me take a quiet moment out to wish you a wonderful, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
78. A new year is the best time to make fresh new beginnings as you begin a new chapter of your life to fill up the pages with beautiful verses.
79. You are a dreamer,
and you are an achiever.
May you dream and achieve bigger feats,
with every passing year.
All the best for the new year.
80. May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
Best Happy New Year Wishes 2016
81. As the new year going to start.I wish may the good times,live on in our memories.and may we learn lessons,from the troubling times.
That will make us stronger and better than ever.
82. Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,
Lets cherish each moment it beholds,
Lets celebrate this blissful new year.
83. May the New Year unfold before you just like a new flower that blooms slowly unfolding each petal. May each day of the New Year get filled up with sweet fragrance of contentment and peace.
84. May this new year bring peace and joy in your life and take you towards excellence. Wishing you a very happy new year 2016.
85. May your eyes, mind and heart be filled with true spirit of starting a new year that gives a fresh dimension to your life. Happy New Year to you!
86. This new year message has nothing much to say but to request your lips to stretch a little and brighten this world with a sweet smile.
87. New year is like a new sun rise of hope,of prosperity,of happiness;its like a new beginning of thoughts,of words,of actions;its like a new day of energy, of strength,of ideas;its like a bunch of whole new things of prayers, of friends and of love.happy new year
88. Discover new joys, embark on new journeys and give more meaning to your life in 2016. Happy New Year 2016.
89. No matter if every sunset steels one day from our life, but every sunrise gives us one another day to hope!i wish new hopes will always be a part of your life.Happy new year.
90. Genuine success comes only to those who are ready for it.so never step back and always have courage to accept new challenges.wishing you a very happy new year.
Best Happy New Year Quotes
91. Embrace the New Year with not just a new look but also with a new and positive approach to make things simple in the year ahead
92. It always bleed,whenever happens bad deed.Try to understand others need,lets needy be the first to feed…hope in the new year we all stop the race of coming first,as there is no end to this thirst.
93. In the year 2016, may you be able to reach out to your old friends as well as make loads of new friends to fill up your days with happiness, laughter and cheer.
94. The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul.
95. There will be always something old in the New Year!
96. In the New Year, may your right hand always be stretched out in friendship, never in want.
97. Before my mobile network gets jammed let me wish you a very happy new year..
98. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up.Happy New Year.
99. Don't wait for a new year to change your perspective. Get up and be proactive today!
100. No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anybody can start today and make a new ending.
100 Happy New Year Quotes Wishes for 2016 |
Happy New Year Wishes
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Related Tags: Happy New Year Quotes in English, New Years Resolution Quotes, Funny New Years Quotes, Quotes For The New Year, Inspirational New Year Quotes
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